Jing Si Tea

It’s truly a gift from nature, grown under idyllic geographic conditions in Taiwan’s rolling hills.  

Our Tea Farm

Jing Si Tea Garden, located in the township of Sanyi in central Taiwan, is a property under the management of the Jing Si Abode where Dharma Master Cheng Yen, founder of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, and her nuns reside in eastern Taiwan. 

Encircled by forests, far from the pollution of big cities, the Jing Si Tea Garden preserves its natural ecology. Organic growing management is implemented throughout area with no spraying of pesticides and no application of chemical fertilizers. A menagerie of insects and natural pollinators flit gently among the tea plants leaving their trace of sampling the tea buds.

Dedication of a Mindful Farmer

Trusting in Zhonghou Chen,  – a senior Tzu Chi volunteer experienced in agriculture and farming, was invited in 2009 by Dharma Master Cheng Yen,, to assist with the transformation of  San Yi Tea Garden where Jing Si Tea grows. Before venturing to Sanyi, Zhonghou made a trip to the Jing Si Abode to meet with Dharma Master Cheng Yen who advised him to do three things: First, take good care of this land as he would take care of his own heart.  Second, bring the Tzu Chi spirit to the Tea garden management. Third, set up an eco-friendly system. 

Followed by his years of agricultural experience,  Zhonghou made a thorough plan for his time at the tea garden. In order to have a better understanding of the local soil, he dedicated himself to the study of weather, the usage of fertilizers, etc. 

Our Philosophy

“One Heart(one Bud), Two Leaves” Implies Wisdom

The bud is the soul of a tea plant. By referring to the bud as the heart of each plant, Jing Si Tea carries not just the superb taste of tea but also delivers messages from the profound Buddhist teaching.
The philosophy of “one heart, two leaves,” explained by the founder of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, Dharma Master Cheng Yen, can be found in each farmer who works here – “Be mindful when picking the buds and be kind to Mother Earth and all living beings”. 

“Can we use natural ecology and organic farming without using chemical fertilizers? The most important thing is not to use animal materials.”

— Dharma Master Cheng Yen

our farmers

The farm is managed by a passionate team of individuals who have devoted their lives to this organic venture into natural, seasonal farming methods. They do so while applying great skill and constant vigilance to ensure that Jing Si Tea is grown and processed naturally.

no pesticides

Sanyi tea gardens are cultivated entirely by natural, ecological, organic farming methods, without spraying pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and herbicides. These farming methods make our all-natural Jing Si tea taste sweeter and less bitter.


High on the mountain, without electricity or irrigation systems, the growing grass retains rainwater and keeps the soil moist, nourishing the tea plants. We rely on Mother Nature to provide support with flocks of birds that help control the number of pests.

Our seasonal Jing Si teas are processed naturally by experts with four generations of experience.

june - july

Green & Oolong Tea

june - july

Small-leaf red tea

After mid-August

Red oolong tea

Late October

Oolong tea

Our Tea

The unique setting that sustains our tea farm is an ideal environment for cultivation, and underlines our commitment to sustainability.

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